We are run by amazing volunteers

We are a team of dedicated volunteers. Helping Pets (North-East) does not have any paid members of staff. Everyone who works for, or with us, is an unpaid volunteer.

We are proud of this because it means that the bulk of the money we receive, or raise, goes directly on animal rescue and care.

Only a small proportion goes on anything other than the animals. 

How we started

Vicki, our founder, is a Registered Veterinary Nurse who runs her own Vet Nurse business.

Through working with animals she was often made aware of pets looking for homes, which she ended up taking in herself until a suitable new owner could be found.

Over time, she came to realise that the demand for her help was increasing and decided to set up Helping Pets (North-East) in May 2012.

We recruited a number of additional volunteers who foster, help with administration, take professional photographs, run sponsorship schemes, fund raise and generally fetch and carry for us!

Join Us

Find out more about supporting us, and becoming a volunteer.